Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте | Последние медицинские новости на портале Medznat.ru. :- Medznat

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Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте

Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте
Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте Влияние грудного вскармливания на минеральную плотность костной ткани в подростковом возрасте


Грудное вскармливание (гв) без применения искусственных смесей в течение как минимум 6 месяцев связано с более высокой минеральной плотностью костной ткани (z-показатель мпкт) в подростковом возрасте.

According to a new study, breastfeeding (HB) without the use of artificial mixtures for at least 6 months is associated with a higher bone mineral density (Z-score BMD) in adolescence. Also, the prevention of adult osteoporosis requires optimal peak bone mass.

Data on the relationship between the factors of early life and bone mineral density (BMD) are scarce. The authors of this study evaluated the effect of hepatitis B on BMD in adolescence in a cohort of patients who were prospectively followed from infancy.

This study included 679 newborns from a study on the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in newborns, which were monitored until adolescence. Participants received breast and artificial feeding weekly from 4 to 12 months. BMD for the whole body was evaluated by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the age of 16 years. The relationship between the duration of hepatitis B and hepatitis B as the sole source of milk and the Z-score of BMD in adolescents was evaluated by linear regression, adjusted for possible interfering factors in infancy and adolescence, as well as the initial interfering factors.

It was found that for at least 6 months, 26.3% of participants had the only source of milk for breastfeeding, and 36.7% for breastfeeding in combination with artificial mixtures. In the remaining 37% of cases, the duration of breastfeeding was less than 6 months. A relationship was found between breastfeeding as the only source of milk for at least 6 months and a higher Z-score of BMD in adolescence compared to breastfeeding for less than 6 months adjusted for covariates (gender, height at birth, and gestational age). There was no significant relationship between breastfeeding in combination with artificial mixtures and the Z-score of BMD in adolescence. It was found that the Z-score of BMD in adolescence increases by 0,


Osteoporosis Int. 2017 Jun 6.


Breastfeeding as the sole source of milk for 6 months and adolescent bone mineral density


Blanco E. и соавт.

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