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Usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain

Usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain Usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain
Usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain Usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain

To evaluate the usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain.

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Key take away

The pain tracking techniques are proved as highly beneficial in curbing the acute Mechanical Low Back Pain in this study. This technique when combined with cryotherapy has been found to leave a good mark for this condition.


To evaluate the usefulness of the pain tracking technique in acute mechanical low back pain.


We performed an experimental prospective (longitudinal) explanatory study between January 2011 and September 2012. The sample was randomly divided into two groups. Patients were assessed at the start and end of the treatment using the visual analogue scale and the Waddell test. Treatment consisted in applying the pain tracking technique to the study group and interferential current therapy to the control group. At the end of treatment, cryotherapy was applied for 10 minutes. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the Mann Whitney test were used. They were performed with a predetermined significance level of p <= 0.05.


Pain was triggered by prolonged static posture and intense physical labor and intensified through trunk movements and when sitting and standing. The greatest relief was reported in lateral decubitus position and in William’s position. The majority of the patients had contracture. Pain and disability were modified with the rehabilitation treatment in both groups.


Both the pain tracking and interferential current techniques combined with cryotherapy are useful treatments for acute mechanical low back pain. The onset of analgesia is faster when using the pain tracking technique.


Pain Research and Treatment 2015: 512673


Usefulness of the Pain Tracking Technique in Acute Mechanical Low Back Pain


Tania Bravo Acosta et al.

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