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Telepain management of phantom limb pain using mirror therapy

Telepain management of phantom limb pain using mirror therapy Telepain management of phantom limb pain using mirror therapy
Telepain management of phantom limb pain using mirror therapy Telepain management of phantom limb pain using mirror therapy

In response to rising healthcare costs and the social and economic burden of outpatient rehabilitation services, telepain management has emerged as an exciting alternative method of clinical care.

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Key take away

The importance of telepain management in phantom limb pain has been fully established by the researchers. It increases health care access and promotes self-care in easing phantom pain. This research puts light on the mirror therapy and its effects on the severity and frequency of phantom limb pain.


In response to rising healthcare costs and the social and economic burden of outpatient rehabilitation services, telepain management has emerged as an exciting alternative method of clinical care. Patients with limb amputations who experience phantom limb pain (PLP) are typically treated unsuccessfully using medications, injections, or additional surgeries. Mirror therapy is a noninvasive, cost-effective alternative to current treatment options for PLP.


We report 2 patients who self-administered mirror therapy at home after receiving detailed instructions from a physician by e-mail.


The intervention resulted in complete resolution of PLP. The first patient experienced a reduction in the severity and frequency of PLP episodes after 4 weeks of treatment. Pain completely resolved after an additional 4 weeks of treatment, which was restarted 4 months after the initial course of therapy. The second patient experienced complete eradication of pain after 4 weeks of treatment.


PLP relief can be obtained using home-based mirror therapy with initiation, feedback, and follow-up with healthcare professionals conducted entirely through telemedicine.


Telemedicine and e-Health 2016 Feb;22(2):176-179


Telepain Management of Phantom Limb Pain Using Mirror Therapy


Ariana Gover-Chamlou and Jack W. Tsao

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