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C-RFA found to benefit patients with chronic knee pain

C-RFA found to benefit patients with chronic knee pain C-RFA found to benefit patients with chronic knee pain
C-RFA found to benefit patients with chronic knee pain C-RFA found to benefit patients with chronic knee pain

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Cooled radio frequency ablation (C-RFA) could be a treatment of choice for chronic knee pain patients unable to pursue surgery or have exhausted the possible nonsurgical options.

A study published in the 'Journal of Hip Surgery' found C-RFA to be significantly effective in reducing pain in patients suffering from chronic knee pain.

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition concerned with pain and physical impairment. The switch from conservative modalities to nonsurgical options to surgical intervention has been observed in the traditional treatment algorithm. Often, the surgical intervention provides reliable pain relief, but not all the patients are surgical candidates, and some patients choose not to have surgery.

 C-RFA provides pain relief in patients where the non-invasive modalities are not significant and in patients who desire a substitute for surgery. This review article provided the rationale, available evidence, indications, and outcomes concerned with C-RFA for the treatment of chronic knee OA. Total eight reports (2 prospective trials, one retrospective cohort study, and 5 case reports or case series) that used C-RFA in the treatment of chronic knee pain were recognized and then analyzed.

 "Further long-term prospective clinical trials are crucial to characterize how C-RFA can best be used to treat chronic knee pain", noted Oladeji and Cook.


Journal of Hip Sugery


Cooled Radio Frequency Ablation for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis-Related Knee Pain: Evidence, Indications, and Outcomes


Lasun O. Oladeji et al.

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