There is a limited understanding of the association of headache with ischemic stroke, a systematic review of prior conducted studies was carried out to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of new-onset post-stroke headache.
This systematic review threw light on the
prevalence and characteristics of new-onset post-stroke headache. It was
evident that the headache could escalate morbidity after the stroke, more
studies could offer better validation.
There is a limited understanding of the
association of headache with ischemic stroke, a systematic review of prior
conducted studies was carried out to investigate the prevalence and
characteristics of new-onset post-stroke headache.
An extensive search of online libraries,
Medline and PubMed was done. Out of 1,812 shortlisted articles, 50 were
included in the systematic review. The meta-analysis and meta-regression were
applied over 20 studies.
It was identified that headache was prevalent in 6-44% ischemic stroke patients. The headache features were tension-type mostly (moderate to severe), which became chronic afterwards. The pooled prevalence of 0.14 with 95% CI (0.07-0.23) with the heterogeneity of studies was shown by the meta-analysis.
The meta-regression revealed that prevalence varied with the change in geographical locations of the studies. A higher prevalence was found in studies carried out in Europe and North America as compared to studies carried out in the Middle East and Asia, results presented in Table 1 below.
On the crude calculation of odds ratio (OR), it was found that 7 studies on posterior circulation stroke and 11 studies with female sex had a greater odds of headache associated with ischemic stroke as shown in Table 2.
One outcome is clear that the headache is
commonly observed either before or at the onset of ischemic stroke. Patient
characteristics could also impact the morbidity caused due to post-stroke
headache. Studies with more validation to the association of headache to
ischemic stroke would be helpful for its effective management.
Headache after ischemic stroke A systematic review and meta-analysis
Andrea M. Harriott et al.
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