Low back pain is the leading cause of disability and functional limitations in day-to-day activities.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy is well known treatment for patients with chronic or sub-acute low back pain and may be effective in targeting and promoting illness beliefs. This study is designed to provide information on various cognitive variables influence functional concept of disability. Chiropractic treatment have been shown more effective in managing back pain than physiotherapy treatment
Low back pain is the leading cause of disability and functional limitations in day-to-day activities. Its symotoms are pain, restricted amplitude of movements, diminished muscle strength, muscular spasms and postural changes. This is a second to the common cold as a cause of absent from work. Its prevalence found to be more in many countries such as UK: 59%, Switzerland: 20–28.5%, Greece: 31.7%, Spain: 50.9% and less in Portugal: 49%. However, this research anticipates that about 80% of world population will experience episode of LBP and about 30% with chronic symptoms. Furthermore, depending on its chronicity, different types of treatments for LBP are available, for instance, self-care measures, bed rest or medication, to exercise therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, spinal manipulation, yoga, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or progressive relaxation. Out of them physiotherapy (PT) is widely used treatment for both acute and chronic LBP, but it is partially reimbursed. So, we aimed to analyzed the differences between Physiotherapy treatment (PT) and Chiropractic treatment (CT) in LBP patients in order to find out which is more effective.
Rationale behind research
Study outcomes
To access various variables such as satisfaction with care, illness perceptions, beliefs about pain and medicines, attitudes towards doctors and medicine, suffering, adherence and functional incapacity.
Result demonstrates the differences in cognitive representations in both groups, showed that CT group had more positive illness representations of personal control, treatment control and coherence; more beliefs regarding internal control and medications overuse by health professionals and less positive and negative attitudes towards doctors and medicine. In contrast to PT group, which exhibited negative representations about identity, timeline (acute/chronic and cyclic), consequences and emotional representation, and more beliefs about powerful others and chance events. Thus, such multidisciplinary approaches of chiropractic treatment are found to be more effective than physical therapy alone in alleviating pain and disability in low back pain sufferers and are associated with better treatment outcomes and less pain intensity.
This study imparts a valuable information about cognitive representations in LBP patients. But, this study does not provide a valid reason for selecting either PT or CT treatment. Thus, further research is warranted for decision-making processes and illness representations and to track the changes in patients, follow-up is required before and after the treatment for the assessment of patient's opinions.
J Health Psychol 2016 Jan 10:1359105315621781
Cognitive representations in low back pain in patients receiving chiropractic versus physiotherapy treatment.
Roios E et al.
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