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Breast milk offers significant short-term immunity against otitis media during the early years, with over 6 months showing the highest...

Deficiency of Vitamin D should be considered as a comorbidity in children with diarrhoea in developing countries, and focused...

Red flags can help guide clinicians toward a timely diagnosis of IBD in children with abdominal pain but there is a need for improved specificity...

Vitamin and trace mineral supplements plus antibiotic treatment improve recovery and reduce hospitalization in children with community-acquired p...

The combination therapy of Mometasone and Montelukast emerges as the frontrunner in treating obstructive sleep apnea, OSA (the most prevalent for...

Children with atopic dermatitis symptoms (itching, dryness, redness, etc.) at 6 and 15 months correlate with long-term consequences (higher pain...

FDA-approved Linaclotide enhances bowel movement frequency and stool consistency, making it an effective therapy for treating constipation in chi...

Constipation, a disorder of bowel movements, is one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal complaints.Childhood constipation ranks among the most...

Age-tailored therapies and guidelines (as per early-elementary-age, middle childhood and adolescence) can be beneficial for the management of ast...

Provisional tic disorder is frequently observed in patients with allergic rhinitis, particularly in those experiencing motor tics.

Children treated for fever or respiratory symptoms at out-of-hours services exhibit similar outcomes regardless of antibiotic use, though adverse...

The NICE guideline focuses on identifying and managing OME in children under 12 years old. Its goal is to enhance hearing abilities and overall q...
