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Benralizumab emerges as an effective first-line therapy for severe eosinophilic asthma with significant improvements in rates of exacerbation and...

New Recommendations from AAAAI and Joint Task Force for AD Care is to give evidence-based advice and therapy for the optimal care of AD in a...

Budesonide oral suspension presents as a reliable FDA-approved therapy for the relief of eosinophilic esophagitis, backed by robust clinical data...

Doxycycline improves postoperative endoscopic outcomes in chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps.

Patients strongly prefer dexamethasone insert over topical loteprednol for ocular allergy relief, citing superior efficacy and convenience of sel...

Routine evaluation of Eustachian tube dysfunction is recommended in newly diagnosed allergic rhinitis patients (particularly in moderate to sever...

Using Xylometazoline Spray 0.1% during a cold potentially enhances sleep quality, overall performance, and well-being during the illness.

Azathioprine reduces hyperpigmentation and improves quality of life for pigmented contact dermatitis patients.

Prophylactic use of Callergin (Iota-Carrageenan) nasal spray notably improves allergic nasal symptoms by 0.6 points at 3 hours.

Age-tailored therapies and guidelines (as per early-elementary-age, middle childhood and adolescence) can be beneficial for the management of ast...

Levocetirizine, a third-generation orally administered H1 antihistamine, typically functions by downregulating the H1 receptor on mast cells and...

For the management of low-risk penicillin allergy in critical care units, the use of direct oral challenge is effective and safe.
